The BBGHAD has chosen to concurrently: a) appeal Judge Beckloff's Order Granting Writ Claim and Order Denying Validation ("Order") granting certain of the relief requested by the property owners in the Reef Group Action and denying the Validation Action, and b) prepare a new Engineer's Report consistent with the Order. On 12/22/29, the BBGHAD Board passed Resolution No. 2019/07, which declares the Board’s intention to order a new assessment, notifies all interested parties of the availability of a new DRAFT Engineer's Report ("2019 DRAFT Engineer's Report"), and solicits public comments on the 2019 DRAFT Engineer's Report in an organized public comment period. The Board has NOT scheduled a hearing for consideration of a new Engineer's Report. Instead, the 2019 DRAFT Engineer's Report is being circulated to the community and the public in draft form as a means of soliciting input on the document and giving the BBGHAD Board and the BBGHAD Assessment Team an opportunity to consider third-party input. The public comment period ends on 1/13/20 at 5:00 p.m. Subsequently, the BBGHAD Assessment Team will have the opportunity to revise the document before the Board schedules a Proposition 218 vote on the new Engineer's Report.